How to Use DiSKO

We have organized the information on this website in a few different ways. You can explore objects by function, material, geographical region, provenance, cultural association, and by general themes (such as medicine and magic). On each of these pages, you will find images of the objects available. Click on those images to visit the object’s information page. There you can view the object’s details, a high-resolution image, and a 3D file of the model which can be downloaded and printed.

Included on each object’s page is basic information about the object, such as culture, date, and findspot. They also include a narrative about each object to assist readers in understanding the object’s cultural significance and to put it in dialogue with other objects available through this website. We hope this will help facilitate further research and exploration of these objects.

There are also sample lesson plans associated with each of the general themes which you are welcome to explore for inspiration or use for teaching.